Sunday, February 6, 2011

Yeah for Snow!

I am one of those strange people that when everyone else is wishing for spring, I am hoping for just one more good snow.  I like all four seasons.  When it is supposed to be cold, I want it to be and when it is time for warmth, I love that too.  So for the last week I have been in heaven.  I love living in a winter wonderland.  I say this bearing in mind that I am so sorry for all the people that have had havoc reeked on their lives because of the snow storms.  I know I would not enjoy it quite as much if that is what I was living.  But for us snow days entail, dad getting to stay home from work, a warm fire, and hot cocoa, so..... I quite enjoy these days.  

It is a must on a snow day to have a fire side picnic with soup and grilled cheese.  We end up with half of it spilled on the floor, but oh well, its a memory.  

 We didn't get to make Frosty outside because the snow wouldn't stick, but we watched him when we came in!

My favorite cocoa by far is made from milk with the recipe on the back of a Hershey's cocoa can.  If you have never tried it, you must.  It is so much better than any powder I have ever had.  It is so worth a little extra effort. 

Beckett is getting so big!  He is still so content and joyful.  Anytime he is smiled at, he always smiles back.  He rolled over for the first time at Christmas, but just this past week he really figured it out and is rolling again and again.   

He doesn't drink from a bottle very much, but he figured out how to hold it on his own.  I also  realized this week that he cut his first tooth!  How can that be!  It feels so soon.  Ella told Collin, "Daddy...Mommy and I are just not ready for Beckett to have his first tooth."  Sweet milestones.

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