Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Braden Got a Hair Cut

Braden's hair always makes me laugh.  Whether it is long or short, it sticks staight up.  Most of the time it is just crazy, and he is the fuzzy headed boy that I love.   This is also because he hates hair cuts.   It never fails that he gets hair all over him, then rubs his face, gets itchy, and pretty soon the battle is on.   He just screams and then covers his head with his hands.  The only thing that has come to help is bribery with popsicles and m&ms.  A buzz works a little bit better because its fast.   So I am pretty sure, Braden's head will be buzzed for quite some time.   I always think he looks a little bit like a military kid when we are done but after it grows for a couple of days, he is so cute!
...and after!   
If you look close you can see his mouth is blue from m&ms....bribery is great!

Braden loves his shades.  Thanks Nonnie!

1 comment:

  1. Rach,

    When my brother's got their summer buzzes my mom would hold the clippers and the vacuum hose in the same hand. Then when the clippers cut the hair the vacuum hose would suck it up leaving no itch! Although, if it were me, I'd want the m&ms!
