On August 13th in many ways our summer just begins. The past two days have been two glorious days of summer for us. It has been so nice to not have an agenda or places that we needed to be.
First, we got to join my parents out at their lake house for the afternoon on Sunday. They have been working so hard every weekend on the lake house they are building. It is really coming along and it was so fun to see the progress that they have made. My younger brother Nicholas was in town from Arizona, and it was also great to see him. He is a pilot and if anyone knows of any good jobs for pilots, please pass them along!
They took a break to swim with us for a little while at the lake and it was so fun and relaxing. We swim with life jackets on, but Ella is still such a dare devil jumping off the dock. Braden loves the water but on this day was still terrified to let go of us. He had to have a hand clutching us at all times.
Our dog Izzy has also never ventured all the way into the water, but my brother Nicholas taught her how to swim and she loved it! This was a big milestone for her. I think this is going to be a great way to wear her out, yeah!
Yesterday, we also got to go to the K-Kauai pool. We had so many friends there! It was a beautiful day and just felt like a summer day. It was so fun to reconnect with people and see all the kids have so much fun together. Braden also swam on his own, such a difference from just a day before. He has always been terrified to let go of us, and he swam on his own with floaties. All of a sudden he just let go and said, "I do it." He would swim off on his own, and then turn back and say, "Momma I'm coming". It was so cute and I love getting to see Braden learning something new!
I promise to get some video to post soon.
We also then got to come home and make fresh pasta with tomatoes from our garden and we made fresh pesto from our basil. Yum! Ella has so much fun picking mint and smelling it. I love it, because I remember doing that as a kid from my mom's mint bush.
I love summer!
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