Well, I couldn't be more excited. After months of speculating and thinking about starting a blog, it has finally happened! All credit goes to my sweet friend Jamie Jo who continually amazes me with how much she can accomplish, all while being an incredible mom, wife, tri-athlete, philanthropist, and so much more. She inspires me greatly, and pushes me to be better in so many areas of life. Thank you Jamie Jo for once again using your incredible abilities to be a self starter to help motivate me to blog! Yeah! I love looking back at our friendship and seeing all of the ways that you have blessed my life and have been a loyal friend! Ella is about to be a flower girl, so it has made me think back to our wedding and Hays as our ring bearer. He was so cute, and it is hard to believe how little he looks! I am so thankful for all of our years as friends! 
So now that this is officially my first post, I am filled with excitement to have a tangible place to finally help me to archive and remember the many wonderful moments I have with my family, and all the ways I am so blessed.
At the same time of having great excitement, I also have great trepidation. Now that I am putting myself out there for all to see, (except right now Jamie Jo I am sure you are about the only one who is reading this, Ha!) it makes me question who I am really going to put out there? I am not a great writer, not really that funny, and I am hoping I will quickly become addicted to blogging so I don't have another failure of something in my life I can't keep up with. I really don't need anything else I feel behind in!
So I feel like a journey of some sort is about to begin, or at least a lot of rambling my about my thoughts and life. For my friends and family who will read this, I hope that you will feel a sense of journeying through life together, like I do when I am blessed by your reading your blogs. Here we go!
Love it! I may be totally biased (since it was about me with a pic of my boy), but it was a great and interesting and funny and honest blog! WAY TO GO!!! I absolutely love the pics you chose! The top picture is amazing! I love the side family picture! Who took those! Such great pics to have!!! I love you! I'm proud of you! GO BLOGGER!!!!